Back in those days anybody could nominate a team to play in any grade.( It was only later that the association decided it would be much easier to deal with clubs than individual teams, and so introduced a rule that every team needed to belong to a club and to be a club you needed to have a minimum of 3 teams).
Ray Girvin took Nomads form a single C grade men’s team to become one of the larger club in the WBA. In 1988 Noman’s amalgamated with Brorowa Bears to form Wildcats as we know them today.
As a player Ray won numerous awards in regular season competition as well as the many and varied carnivals he participated in. As a club administrator his legacy lives on through Wildcats.
As you listen to Ray tell his story his great passion for the game of basketball shines through. Since leaving Whyalla in 1981 Ray has become heavily involved with North Adelaide Rockets where his two sons both enjoys successful basketball careers.
Ray has also contributed to the Memory Lane tab on this website with a written version of his journey through Whyalla Basketball with the Nomads Basketball Club.